I Heart Soweto – A Photo Tour
Written by Jaillan Yehia
The Soweto tour was the highlight of my trip to Johannesburg – interesting, educational, vibrant, eye-opening, and most of all, fun. Here I’m going to let the photos speak for themselves…

This lady saw us taking photos and asked if we would photograph her too, so let’s give her pride of place!
Soweto’s Official Sights:
Nelson Mandela’s House
8115 Orlando West, Soweto
Open Daily 9am to 5pm
Cost: 60 Rand per person for non-South African citizens
Hector Pieterson Museum – National Heritage Site of the June 1976 Soweto Uprising
8287 Corner Khumalo & Pela Street
Orlando West, Soweto
Open Daily 10am to 5pm, excpet sundays when it closes at 4.30pm
Guide Details:
Tumi: Mobile number – 0027 72 343 1098
Tags: Joburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, Soweto
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